About Us
What is “Foi et Vie Réformées” (Reformed Faith and Life)?
“Foi et Vie Réformées” is a Reformed radio and media ministry in the French language, bringing the light of the Christian Gospel to French speaking men and women in various parts of the world (especially in France and in Africa).
It started in 1998. Between 1998 and 2014 we produced 600 radio programmes (of 15 minutes each) and now we continue producing shorter podcasts dealing with a variety of topics. They are always explained from the vantage point of the Bible, trying to find a proper application for the lives of our hearers or viewers. We also produce video material of teaching available on our Youtube channel and on our second website (www.foietviereformees.org)
Books, brochures and texts of radio-messages are sent for free to listeners or correspondents”.
Occasionally we visit young Christian communities and offer them seminars on the Reformed faith and lifeview. You can read more about our mission and vision.
How does “Foi et Vie Réformées” work?
Our offices are situated in France, near the town of Saumur in the Loire valley. We record our podcasts and videos from this location. Our work also consists in searching for new radio stations likely to broadcast the messages of “Foi et Vie Réformées”. Our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/foietviereformees) allows to interact directly with visitors and provide them with further explanations or teachings.